Tag Archives: Jurassic World 4

Friday’s news-June 7

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Today’s news: Updates for foreigners to own land/Cardiac risks of energy drinks/Malaysia Asia’s Most Loved Country/Thailand Secures UEFA Euro broadcast/Removing Srettha from power?/A lottery for retirement?/Children in Thailand in severe child food poverty/Jurassic World 4/Thailand’s Cannabis Confusion/Economy: DSI Raids Foreign Nominee Companies/Headline inflation up 1.54%/700 Business Closures predicted/Wary on baht outlook/Ease housing loan measures/Agoda CEO sees potential for Thailand/Investments in Thai agro-business/The high purchasing power of singles/Tourism: Foreign tourist arrivals jump 38%/Thailand leads in Mekong region tourism/Thailand Experience: Global food photo contest/6 offbeat places in Thailand/Among world’s 50 best restaurants/International news/Climate Thailand: Today’s Thai environmental news/Links: Calendar of events/Airport schedule/Bangkok airport bus schedule/Hua Hin-Pattaya bus schedule/Air pollution index map/90-day online report/driver’s license/Market Village and Bluport cinemas/Emergency numbers

Email link: sivanavillas@gmail.com

Land Department updates criteria for foreigners to own land

Thailand’s Land Department has updated its criteria for allowing foreigners to own land in the country. The latest criteria were announced on the department’s website.

Inheritance: Foreigners who are the legal heirs of foreigners allowed to hold land, can inherit the land holding. The inheritance must comply with the land-holding law or criteria for land holdings by foreigners. Continued … 

The hidden cardiac risks of energy drinks

Energy drinks have become a staple in the diets of many individuals, particularly among younger demographics. Promoted as a quick solution for boosting energy and enhancing performance, these beverages have captured a significant market share globally.

However, beneath the flashy marketing and promises of increased alertness, there lies a potential danger that has raised concerns among health professionals and researchers alike. This article delves into the intricate relationship between energy drinks and cardiac health, focusing on recent studies that highlight the risks associated with their consumption. Continued … 

Malaysia Beats Thailand, Singapore as Asia’s Most Loved Country

Malaysia has topped the charts as the most beloved country in Asia, outshining regional rivals Singapore and Thailand, according to the latest rankings by American financial website Insider Monkey.

This accolade underscores Malaysia’s growing appeal on the international stage as a destination that encapsulates cultural diversity and unmatched hospitality. Continued … 

Email link – kenbrown@businessclassasia.com

Thailand Secures Live Broadcast of UEFA Euro 2024

Thai football fans are in for a treat as it was announced they will be able to watch all matches of the UEFA Euro 2024 championship live from June 14 to July 14. A consortium of private companies has successfully secured the broadcast rights, ensuring fans won’t miss a second of the action.

Speaking at Government House, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin expressed his gratitude toward the companies involved. He highlighted that this arrangement was entirely facilitated by the private sector, with the government not having to spend any taxpayer money. Continued … 

What next if Constitutional Court removes Srettha from power?

Srettha Thavisin is the fifth prime minister to be tried by the Constitutional Court since it was established in October 1997 – two of his predecessors were found guilty and removed, while two others were spared.

The two premiers ousted by court rulings – Samak Sundaravej and Yingluck Shinawatra – were both considered proxies of ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra, regarded as the patriarch of the ruling Pheu Thai Party. Continued … 

A lottery for retirement?

With Thailand expecting its aging population to total more than 13 million this year, the Finance Ministry is considering launching a new lottery to encourage saving among elderly citizens and ensure that they will have stable finances after retirement.

Deputy Finance Minister Paopoom Rojanasakul said on Thursday that prizes for the retirement lottery will be drawn every week, while tickets that did not win will be accumulated as savings. Buyers can only withdraw this money when they reach 60 years of age. Continued … 

1 in 10 children in Thailand live in severe child food poverty

Around one in 10 children under five years old in Thailand experience severe food poverty, which threatens their health and overall development, a new UNICEF report reveals.

The Child Food Poverty: Nutrition Deprivation in Early Childhood report is the first of its kind, analyzing the impacts and causes of dietary deprivation among the world’s youngest people in nearly 100 countries, and across income groups. It warns that millions of children under the age of five are unable to access and consume a nutritious and diverse diet to sustain optimal growth and development in early childhood and beyond. Continued … 

Jurassic World 4, with $265 million budget, begins filming in Thailand next week

Filming is set to begin next week in the southern provinces of Trang, Krabi, and Phang-nga for the latest Jurassic Park movie. Jurassic World Four has a budget of $265 million and is set for release in 2025.

In particular, there is excitement about filming part of the movie on Sunset Beach on Ko Kradan. The beach, located in a national park in Trang province, has been voted two years in a row as the most beautiful in the world. Continued … 

Thailand’s Cannabis Confusion Continues

In 2022, Thailand legalized cannabis, leading to widespread and often unregulated use of the drug. The legislation primarily intended to promote medical cannabis but also opened doors for various non-medical uses, sparking debates and causing dilemmas for the government and its citizens.

Internationally, countries distinguish cannabis use as either medical or recreational. In Thailand, the categories are medical, recreational, and an ambiguous “other” use. Continued … 

DSI Raids Three Suspected Foreign Nominee Companies in Phuket

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI), in cooperation with the Immigration Police, Tourist Police and other authorities in Phuket, raided three businesses allegedly run by foreigners. These companies are suspected of running illegal activities under the guise of legal businesses.

Thaveewat Surasit, director of the DSI’s Security Cases Division, explained that the joint operation targeted three locations for which the authorities had search warrants. The aim was to investigate individuals and intermediaries involved in registering businesses for foreigners. Continued …

Headline inflation up 1.54%, above forecast

Thailand’s headline consumer price index (CPI) rose 1.54% in May from a year earlier, after the previous month’s annual rise of 0.19%, the Commerce Ministry said today.

The May figure compared with a forecast increase of 1.19% in a Reuters poll and marked the first time since April 2023 that the headline inflation rate returned to the central bank’s target range of 1% to 3%. Continued … 

FTI Predicts 700 Business Closures if Bt400 Minimum Wage is Implemented

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) cautions that around 700 more factories may close by year’s end if the government implements a standard Bt400 minimum wage nationwide.

Over 360 factories have already shut down in 2023, leading to over 10,000 job losses. The FTI attributes these closures to economic slowdown and lack of government support. Continued … 

KKP wary on baht outlook despite uptick

The baht has posted a short-term gain, rising to a two-week high of stronger than 36.5 to the dollar on Thursday, but Kiatnakin Phatra Financial Group (KKP) warns the Thai currency could depreciate because of Thailand’s structural problems.

The baht led Asian currency gains on Thursday, advancing 0.3% to its highest level since May 23, while the Singapore dollar rose 0.2%. The Thai currency was traded at 36.69 baht to the greenback on Wednesday, strengthening from a low of 36.9 baht on May 30. Continued … 

Developers beg BOT to ease loan measures as housing market slumps

The Thai Condominium Assn. is calling on the Bank of Thailand to ease its loan-to-value (LTV) ratio measure when considering housing loans, as well as consider lowering interest rates to help revive the real-estate sector.

The LTV is a risk-assessment ratio that lenders examine before approving a loan. For example, the sum approved as a loan for home buyers will depend on their income and credit history. This measure was introduced to control non-performing loans. Continued … 

Agoda CEO sees potential for Thailand to become Asian Silicon Valley

Thailand has the potential to become Asia’s Silicon Valley, Agoda CEO Omri Morgenshtern said on Thursday, while expressing his support for the government’s vision of transforming the country into a leading technology hub.

His comments came after he met Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin at Agoda’s headquarters in Bangkok. Morgenshtern said after a brief meeting with the Thai PM that they had discussed actions to advance Thailand’s status as a global center for technological progress and innovation. Continued … 

Saudi food-security agency eyes investments in Thai agro-business

Saudi Arabia’s top food-security agency is interested in investing in key agricultural industries in Thailand, especially in poultry, fish and sugar processing sectors, an adviser to the Thai agriculture minister said.

Adillaw Ali-Ishoh, an adviser to Agriculture Minister Thamanat Prompow, was speaking to reporters on Wednesday after he met with Mohammed Almousa, group CEO adviser at the Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Co. (SALIC), earlier in the day. He attended the meeting on behalf of the minister. Continued … 

More businesses catering to the high purchasing power of singles

Expenditures by single-person households, covering goods and services, average around 1.4 trillion baht per year.

According to reports from Thailand’s Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) and Euromonitor, in 2023, there were about 400 million single-person households worldwide, with this number expected to increase at an average rate of 3.3% per year. Continued … 

Foreign tourist arrivals jump 38% in first 5 months

Nearly 15 million foreign tourists visited Thailand during the first five months of this year, up 38% from the same period last year, with those from China topping the table, government spokesman Chai Wacharonke said on Thursday.

Chai said Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin is looking to drive the tourism industry forward as it serves to boost the economy. The push also involves improving the quality of the industry’s human resources as part of the premier’s “Ignite Thailand” development agenda. Continued … 

Thailand leads in Mekong region tourism, aiming for over 95M tourists by 2025

Thailand, a key player in GMS tourism, is rallying executives and over 15 agencies to boost cooperation. Their goal is to increase foreign tourists in the Greater Mekong Subregion to over 95 million by 2025, demonstrating a strong commitment to regional tourism.

Senior tourism officials and executives from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar were special guests of the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports at the Thailand Travel Mart Plus to be held this week in the coastal district of Khao Lak, Phang-nga Province. Continued … 


Natnattcha won the Tenderstem® Bring Home the Harvest category with “A Day in the Field”, a stunning shot of a young farmer carrying a rack of rice sprouts across a paddy field in Sakon Nakhon.

Thai woman wins twice in global food photo contest

A haunting image, Red Bean Paste Balls, by Chinese photographer Zhonghua Yang, has won the overall prize of Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2024, the world’s leading celebration of food photography and film.

Thai photographer Natnattcha Chaturapitamorn achieved great success in this year’s competition; from the thousands of entries submitted from over 65 countries across the world, she had a total of four finalist images, including two category wins. Continued … 

Red Bean Paste Balls, by Chinese photographer Zhonghua Yang, won the overall prize of Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2024.

6 offbeat places in Thailand you should definitely visit

One night in Bangkok and the world’s your oyster…but if you’ve got more than 24 hours to spare, you’ll want to explore Thailand beyond its glittering capital.

Koh Tao

In fact, for your next trip to the Southeast Asian country, switch up your itinerary — instead of the regular tourist haunts of Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Sa Mui, opt for its more rustic, offbeat alternatives, which include the ancient ruins of Sukhothai, the temple runs of Chiang Rai and the turquoise lagoons of Koh Tao, the lesser-known sister island of the overcrowded Ko Samui. Continued … 

Bangkok’s Sorn among world’s 50 best restaurants

Sorn entered Bangkok’s premium dining scene in 2018, introducing a sophisticated way to experience the seafood-centric, fiery cuisine of Thailand’s coastal southern region. Owner and executive chef Supaksorn “Ice” Jongsiri, along with head chef Yodkwan “Yod” U-Prumpruk, have become national and international gastronomic ambassadors for the region’s cuisine, garnering accolades a-plenty, as well as an ever-full reservations book.

Sorn is not only a celebration of the south, but an ode to Chef Ice’s childhood, during which he picked up the tricks of the trade from his grandmother. At the restaurant, diners get an insight into traditional cooking methods and savor nearly 90% of hyper-local southern ingredients, all from an experienced crew that are mostly from the south. Continued … 

Hanoi issues directive on tightening dog and cat meat trade

In a major move to safeguard public health and promote more ethical practices, the Hanoi Sub-department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Veterinary Services has issued a critically important directive as a move toward eliminating dog and cat meat trade across the city’s districts. Continued … 

Malaysia evicts 500 ‘sea nomads’


More than 500 people from seafaring communities along the coast of Sabah state have been evicted from their homes this week as part of a Malaysian government crackdown on undocumented migrants, local activists said. Continued … 

Today’s Thai environmental news



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Bus Tickets 

Hua Hin-Chiang Mai flight schedule May 3-Aug 31

FD901: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Chiang Mai – Hua Hin
10:20 – 11:50
Hua Hin – Chiang Mai
12:20 – 13:35

FD900: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Chiang Mai – Hua Hin
09:00 – 10:30
Hua Hin – Chiang Mai
11:00 – 12:15

Hua Hin train schedule

To book online

Van/minibus service at Market Village

Vans and minibuses provide services to the following destinations:

  • Hua Hin – Mo Chit (089-919-8055) starts service at 03:50
  • Hua Hin – Kanchanaburi (085-822-6063)
  • Hua Hin – New southern line service starts at 5:40
  • Hua Hin – Rangsit (090-138-0427) service starts at 05:40
  • Hua Hin – Nakhon Pathom (088-709-2364)

The last service departs at 6pm. Departures every 25 – 40 minutes. For inquiries or reservations, call 089-9198055,090-1380427.


90-day online reporting

Emergency hotline numbers:

  • Emergency hotline – 191
  • Emergency medical services – 1554
  • Water accident – 1196
  • Motorway hotline – 1586
  • Emergency medical – 1669
  • Highway police – 1193
  • Tourist police – 1155
  • Bus ticket – 1490
  • Department of Highways – 1586

Wednesday’s news-June 5

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Today’s news: Thailand to tax expats’ foreign income/No need for Covid boosters/Heavy rain and flash floods/Stiffer drunk-driving penalties/Best eSIM providers/Jurassic World 4/Bangkok to end to smoking at schools/Thailand’s weed dilemma/Foreigners behaving badly/Economy: Nearly 15 Million Entitled To Digital Wallet/Move to Legalize Casinos/Experts divided over casino/Global tax from multinational firms/Shippers fear rising freight rates/New state company to run provincial airports/Tourism: New Tax Measures/Visa Waiver Approved for EU/Thailand Experience: Durian: A delicious devil/Thailand on a Budget or in Style/Climate Thailand: Today’s Thai environmental news/Links: Calendar of events/Airport schedule/Bangkok airport bus schedule/Hua Hin-Pattaya bus schedule/Air pollution index map/90-day online report/driver’s license/Market Village and Bluport cinemas/Emergency numbers

Thailand to tax expats’ foreign income irrespective of remittance

The Revenue Department of Thailand will amend a law to tax individuals with foreign income, even if that income is not brought into Thailand.

Director-General of the Revenue Department, Kulaya Tantitemit, stated that the current tax law mandates individuals residing in Thailand for over 180 days per year to pay taxes on foreign income if it is brought into the country. Continued …

No need for Covid boosters

Most people do not need to get a booster against the latest strain of Covid-19, except for vulnerable groups and the unvaccinated, as the symptoms are relatively mild and the vaccine must be paid for, according to virologist Yong Poovorawan.

Dr. Yong, from the Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology at Chulalongkorn University, said the severity of the virus has consistently decreased, similar to other respiratory illnesses, thanks to the high levels of vaccinations and herd immunity. Continued …

Heavy rain and flash floods expected in 37 Thai provinces

Heavy rain is expected to hit 37 provinces across Thailand today, with the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) warning of potential flash floods and sudden water surges, including in Bangkok. The forecast predicts that 60% of these areas will experience significant rainfall today and tomorrow.

The TMD issued a 24-hour weather forecast, indicating that the southwest monsoon covering the Andaman Sea, upper Thailand, and the Gulf of Thailand is strengthening. Additionally, a low-pressure system over northern Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin is contributing to the adverse weather conditions. Continued …

Calls mount for stiffer drunk-driving penalties

Authorities are pushing to increase the penalties for drunk drivers who cause injuries and road accidents.

The Don’t Drive Drunk Foundation (DDD) recently filed a petition to a House committee studying the Alcohol Control Act amendment, demanding more severe punishment for those charged with offenses related to driving under the influence, committee Chairman Wisarn Techatheerawat said on Tuesday. Continued …

Best eSIM providers and plans in Thailand

An eSIM is a digital version of the traditional SIM card. So, instead of it being a physical object that you need to insert into your device, eSIMs are software that you can simply install. Therefore, you should indeed consider them if you plan to travel to Thailand.

Some of the great benefits that you can enjoy with eSIM Thailand plans are high-speed Internet connections, swift activation, keeping your phone number, no need to sign a contract and no roaming costs. Continued …

Three Thai national parks could be filming locations for Jurassic World 4

The National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department is expected to take a few days to consider a request from the production team of “Jurassic World 4”, the latest film the Jurassic Park franchise, to use three national parks as locations.

The department’s director-general, Atthaphon Charoenchansa, said the Hollywood production has already submitted its detailed plan for the use of the locations between June 17 and 28, which include the Kradan Island and Morakot cave in the Hat Chao Mai National Park in Trang province, Huai To waterfall in Khao Phanom Benja National Park in Krabi and Tapu, Nakha and Song Phi Nong islands in Phang-nga Bay National Park in Phang-nga province. Drones will also be used during the shoot, he added. Continued …

Email link: sivanavillas@gmail.com

Bangkok governor orders end to any smoking at schools

Bangkok Gov. Chadchart Sittipunt announced a campaign to eradicate smoking and vaping from schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). This initiative focuses intensely on preventing cigarette and e-cigarette use among children and youth and builds on annual anti-smoking efforts.

The newly issued five strict orders in the campaign include: Continued …

American, Russian Men Die In Falls From Pattaya Hotel, Condo

An American man fell to his death from the seventh floor of a hotel in Pattaya early yesterday morning, while a Russian man plunged to his death from the 29th floor of a 35-story condo at noon yesterday.

At 6 am, Police Maj. Wutinan Kongdee, an inspector at Pattaya city police station, was alerted to a guest at a hotel in Thappraya Soi 15, Nong Prue subdistrict, Bang Lamung district, having fallen from a high floor and quickly went there with a police team and some rescuers to investigate. Continued …

Man trampled by elephant while foraging in Nam Nao Park

A 61-year-old man lost his life after being trampled by an elephant while foraging for mushrooms in Nam Nao National Park. This incident marks the second fatal elephant attack in the area this year, with the animal believed to be a protective mother startled by the man’s presence.

Police investigator Pichet Thonglor, on duty at Nam Nao Police Station in Phetchabun Province, received a report yesterday about a fatal elephant attack on a local within the park’s forest. Continued …

Email link – kenbrown@businessclassasia.com

King cobra nest discovered in Hat Yai rubber plantation

A team of southern herpetologists and rescue workers recently discovered a king cobra’s nest in a rubber plantation in Hat Yai. They plan to incubate the eggs before releasing the hatchlings into the wild.

Upon arrival, the rescue team found a large king cobra consuming a lesser snake beside its nest. They waited for the cobra to finish its meal before attempting to capture it. The process took approximately 13 minutes due to the snake’s aggressive nature and protective instinct over the eggs. The captured cobra measured 3.10 meters in length and was placed in a sack for relocation. Continued … 

Thailand’s weed legalization dilemma

When cannabis or ganja was legalized (the plant was removed from the illicit drugs list) in 2022 by the Prayut Chan-o-cha government, this led to mass confusion, whereby the public misunderstood and perceived it as “liberalization”. This resulted in widespread and unregulated cannabis consumption.

Internationally, cannabis use is generally divided into two categories: either medical/non-medical or recreational/non-recreational. However, in Thailand, there are three categories for cannabis use: medical, recreational, and others. The last category is problematic due to its ambiguity, which cannot be classified as medical or recreational. Continued …

Somsak: Relisting cannabis will weed out bad actors

Relisting cannabis as a narcotic will make it easier to control the use of the plant for positive purposes such as medicinal use, Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsutin said on Tuesday.

The government aims to allow cannabis to be used for medicinal purposes, to promote good health and to stimulate the economy, he said. He was responding to growing calls by pro-cannabis groups and political parties for a law to control its use rather than blacklisting it completely. Continued …

  • Thai lifeguards nab American phone thief at Kata Beach – Continued …
  • Russian Tourist Detained for Disruptive Behaviour in Phuket Hotel – Continued …
  • Burmese Man Arrested After Fatal Stabbing in Thailand Grocery Store – Continued …

Nearly 15 Million ‘Fragile’ People Entitled To Digital Wallet by September

Officially named as “fragile” types of people, nearly 15 million nationwide will be entitled to the 10,000-baht, digital wallet handout project before fiscal 2024 ends, government spokesperson Chai Wacharong confirmed yesterday.

The 14.98 million “fragile” Thai nationals who may currently hold state welfare cards will be the first recipients to the 10,000-baht digital wallet to be handed out within the end of September, which marks the end of the current fiscal year, while other categories of recipients totaling some 35 million will have to wait until the fourth quarter of this year or during October and December, according to the government spokesperson. Continued …

Thailand Moves to Legalize Casinos

Thailand is preparing to introduce a bill to legalize casinos, aiming to create large entertainment zones to attract more tourists and generate additional state revenue.

This move is part of a broader strategy to position Thailand as a premier tourism hub. A government spokesman, Chai Wacharonke, confirmed that Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has directed the finance ministry to draft the necessary legislation. Continued …

Experts divided over Thailand successfully creating an attractive casino environment

Top experts are divided about the potential for Thailand to successfully move forward with an effective, realistic, and long-lasting casino industry, which will be attractive to top international gaming operators.

In the short term, industry analyst Daniel Cheng opines that “legislation could even happen as soon as early next year”. Cheng notes that the current government “would like to see the fruits of pushing this legislation, construction and opening when they are still in government,” however, he notes that “that’s a bit of a stretch”. Continued …

Thailand readies bill to collect global tax from multinational firms

The Finance Ministry will have a global minimum tax bill ready for Cabinet approval within two weeks, Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat said on Tuesday.

He added that the bill, once enacted, will help the Revenue Department collect up to 20 billion baht more from multinational enterprises every year. Continued …

Shippers fear rising freight rates could dent exports in H2

A group of shippers is concerned rising freight rates could potentially impact exports in the second half.

The group plans to propose to the Joint Public and Private Sector Consultative Committee on Commerce, which includes the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Thai Industries and the Thai National Shippers’ Council (TNSC), that it address the issue of high costs. Continued …

New state company to run provincial airports

Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT) is studying the creation of a subsidiary to operate small airports to be handed over by the loss-ridden Department of Airports under the government’s plan to stabilize state coffers.

AoT President Kirati Kijmanawat said on Tuesday the planned subsidiary would be directly under AoT, with the parent company and Vayupak funds among the main shareholders. It would not be open to private investors because its operations will involve state assets. Continued …

New Tax Measures to Boost Tourism

The Thai government has introduced new tax measures to invigorate the tourism sector during the low season. Deputy Finance Minister Paopoom Rojanasakul confirmed that these incentives will run from May to November, aiming to stimulate domestic travel and improve the economy.

The initiatives include tax deductions for companies hosting conventions and seminars, encouraging more business-related travel within the country. Continued …

Visa Waiver Approved for EU Official Passport Holders

Thai Cabinet has approve a draft ministerial regulation on visa exemption for holders of EU official passports.

The deputy government spokesperson said that on March 7, 2023, the Cabinet approved an agreement between the government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the European Union on the recognition of laissez-passer, i.e. the recognition of travel documents issued by the European Union (EU) as full travel documents for EU officials traveling to Thailand. Continued …

The Mall Group joins 35 organizations to form tourism ecosystem

The Mall Group marches forward to join forces with their various tourism industry partners, including hotels, airlines, international payment platforms, travel websites, and others, to form a Tourism Ecosystem and expand the Tourism Network.

This aims to attract foreign tourists, which the latest expansion has seen the partnering with 16 leading airlines, international payment platforms, and leading international travel websites to offer experiences and special privileges, beyond any other offers for foreign tourists, at The Mall Group’s department store. Continued … 

Durian and how it can be a delicious devil

Durian, often referred to as the “king of fruits”, may not be to everybody’s liking, but its sweet, buttery flesh has plenty of devotees. The best time to enjoy this fruit is between May and June when most of the harvesting is done ahead of the rainy season.

Though the spiky fruit has high calorific and sugar content, making too much of it bad for diabetes patients, it also carries plenty of nutrients. Continued …

How Much a Trip to Thailand Will Cost on a Budget or in Style

When it comes to how to best spend your vacation and leisure time away from work, taking a trip to Thailand should be top of your list. This beautiful country is unlike any other place on Earth. Whether it’s deep in the heart of Bangkok or across the rest of the country, you’ll never be without things to do or see.

Thailand can be much less expensive compared to locations like Athens or Rome. Of course, you can enjoy Thailand like a VIP if you have the means. Continued …

Today’s Thai environmental news 



#thailandeconomy #huahin #prachuapkhirikhan #thailandtourism #thailandtravel #thailandfdi #thailandinvestment #thailandexports #thailandretirement #thailandimmigration #thailandtransportation #thailandrealestate

Bus Tickets 

Hua Hin-Chiang Mai flight schedule May 3-Aug 31

FD901: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Chiang Mai – Hua Hin
10:20 – 11:50
Hua Hin – Chiang Mai
12:20 – 13:35

FD900: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Chiang Mai – Hua Hin
09:00 – 10:30
Hua Hin – Chiang Mai
11:00 – 12:15

Hua Hin train schedule

To book online

Van/minibus service at Market Village

Vans and minibuses provide services to the following destinations:

  • Hua Hin – Mo Chit (089-919-8055) starts service at 03:50
  • Hua Hin – Kanchanaburi (085-822-6063)
  • Hua Hin – New southern line service starts at 5:40
  • Hua Hin – Rangsit (090-138-0427) service starts at 05:40
  • Hua Hin – Nakhon Pathom (088-709-2364)

The last service departs at 6pm. Departures every 25 – 40 minutes. For inquiries or reservations, call 089-9198055,090-1380427.


90-day online reporting

Emergency hotline numbers:

  • Emergency hotline – 191
  • Emergency medical services – 1554
  • Water accident – 1196
  • Motorway hotline – 1586
  • Emergency medical – 1669
  • Highway police – 1193
  • Tourist police – 1155
  • Bus ticket – 1490
  • Department of Highways – 1586