Hua Hin Expat News ( is a daily online news source for Hua Hin’s expatriate community, and for those people who may be considering relocating to Hua Hin. This information portal for news about Hua Hin’s expat community, about their activities, interests, and events, also brings other news about Thailand that might be of interest, and interesting news from around the world.
Expat News ads get results!
Content for Hua Hin Expat News is cultivated from dozens of Thai and global sources and tailored to the interests of Hua Hin’s expat community. Every day, more than 4,500 subscribers/followers receive alerts with a link to the day’s news, where sponsors are featured in content and sidebars.
And every day, visitors click on sponsor links for more information about their products or services.
For as little as 600 baht per month, you can sponsor Hua Hin Expat News, with your message seen daily by thousands of subscribers and visitors. That is just 20 baht per day!
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NEW 30-day ad program on Hua Hin Expat News
Not everyone wants, or needs, to advertise their products or services for 3 months or 6 months – So Hua Hin Expat News is now offering a basic 30-day advertising program, in addition to its longer-term schedules.
Expat News’ 30-Day Basic Plan puts your message in front of our audience of more than 4,000 subscribers/followers for a full month, with a link. For the low price of 1,000 baht!
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